Roy’s Sunday Letter for February 16, 2025

A Writing On Pets

I am writing a Sunday Letter about the benefit of having a pet, fully understanding not every one’s life is matched to care for a pet or may have a medical situation that prohibits a pet. This Sunday Letter will hopefully be welcomed and enjoyed by readers blessed by our pets, whatever the pet may be.

The pet question of ‘who owns who’ is asked and greeted with a smile. Our lives are made happier by our pet’s greeting us on returning and play time with a ball or favorite chew. Our lives would be so different without the daily rhythm of care, feeding, walks, and nap time of our pets. One pet owner wrote “Until someone has loved, and been loved, by a pet, a part of who their true self is yet to be awakened.”

A child’s first pet might be a hamster or if a little older a pony. Pet choices can be broad and include fish, canaries or parakeets, lizards, snakes, bunnies, turtles, and maybe a potbellied pig, in addition to the choices of kitten, cat, or puppy and dog. In her youth Beth adored McDonald the duck, who would follow her anywhere.

One of the ways our pets show they know they are safe and cared for is by sleeping nearby.

Player was our first dog together. Georgia soon joined Player, both Cocker Spaniels. We four were young, caring for and teaching each other life lessons becoming essential parts of us beyond the years. Player and Georgia a love match, we think made in heaven. Player, the forever first dog, still with us in unexplainable ways even today…his loving eyes forever in our hearts.

Player’s grave is under a shady Oak on our once owned Weatherford land. Georgia greets the morning sun on a New Mexico hillside. Reggie is carried on the winds of cremation. Tallie’s ashes are resting on a bookshelf first in Santa Fe, now Ft. Worth. Jazz, Wire Fox Terrier, is our 5th dog. We three are seniors together with patience, stiffness, and allowing each senior moments as part of our days together. Will Jazz be our last dog?

Questions I might ask over coffee, trading pet stories and photos with laughter and perhaps a tear.

  • What have you and family learned from your pets, what did each teach you?
  • Over coffee, what would be a favorite story and photo?
  • Have you considered writing a favorite story as a memory for family near or far?
  • Were you able to express your thankfulness and gratitude at the time of letting go, through tears yes, but also with joy for the sharing the ups and downs of life together?

As our pets leave us, as they must, each carry with them years of joy and beautiful experiences together.

Whoever I am, whoever Beth and I are together, and the wonders of our pet partners are a part of our story, and with Jazz, pages still to be written.

Roy, remembering the spelling of God…Dog


  1. Nancy Tuttle on February 16, 2025 at 7:27 am

    My long haired chihuahua Diego is my buddy. He sleeps in the bed with me, sometimes snuggling but mostly curled up at my feet..
    He is a senior , like me, and will be 13 in March. He’s by my side as I read, ever diligent and watchful protecting me.,his hearing is much better than mine. He’s mostly black and now his head is grey.Diego’s name comes from Frido Kahlo, the Mexican artist, whose husband was Diego Revero.

    • Roy Bowen on February 16, 2025 at 8:12 am

      Friend Nancy…..I sent you a photo of Jazz…..sharing the wise aging ones together are we not?
      No doubt your adjustment to new hallways, food service, and people everywhere.
      Good for you. Kepp the brushes soft and full of color…..RB

      • Peter D. Kleven on February 16, 2025 at 3:03 pm

        Pets are amazing beautiful souls that magnify the joy of living in this life. Currently, I am being herded by my beautiful Australian Shepherd, Roxie. I am the fifth person to have been part of her life due to her past history of continued abuse. We brighten each other’s days as we journey through this life. The death of a pet is beyond painful. I celebrate each day we have the opportunity experience the loving experiences in this life. And yes, it is my wish that at the end of our days that we share the same grave. I do believe her to be a guiding nurturing angel in this life.

        • Roy Bowen on February 17, 2025 at 7:31 am

          Peter/Roxie Roxie/Peter
          Together in all ways. Indeed a forever partnership.
          Play on, care on…..together. RB

  2. Maurine on February 16, 2025 at 9:09 am

    I always wanted a dog as a child, as most children seem to but I never had one till I married my first husband. They were special to me but not my constant companion. That didn’t happen until after my second husband died. I was languishing in grief and a dear friend said, “ you need a dog.” I went to just look a Lexi, she was one of two Jack Russell’s and had not been treated well. I took her home and we both rescued each other that day. Animals need attention, they need to be fed, walked, potty trained and loved. For the first time since Jim died I had to take care of something and yes start living again. Lexi lived to be 14 and was in poor health the last four years. I was not with her when she died but a wonderful Veterinarian that cared about her was. I have her ashes and have instructed my daughter to bury them with me when I am gone. Lexi truly had a soul, so I feel like we will connect again, at least I hope so. I have photo’s but I don’t know how to transfer them to my iPad. I promise she was cute!.

    • Roy Bowen on February 16, 2025 at 10:56 am

      Friend forever Maurine…..
      You needed to write my Sunday Letter….beautifully worded by you, all heart.
      Jazz at 15 still is a puppy at 4pm play time. If we are late Jazz stares us down, and we get up and move.
      You and Lexi still together and always will be…..RB

  3. Roger Gullickson on February 16, 2025 at 12:11 pm

    Angels that enter our lives, enriching and loving. Forever grateful. We lost a dog of 17 years 18 months ago and luckily found her twin two months later. We believe that somehow our departed dog led us to our new one. Great joy ensured.

    • Roy Bowen on February 17, 2025 at 7:35 am

      Joy indeed. We all search for “home.” Our pets whisper to us messages of love,
      caring, safety, and home. All freely given, both ways.
      We be good. A cold week ahead for 2 legged and 4…..RB

  4. Linda Milanesi on February 16, 2025 at 12:56 pm

    My entire life, from 2 years old and on, has been blessed by animals. I was fortunate to be raised in a household where no matter what manner of pet I bought home, I was allowed to keep him or her with the proviso, “You are responsible for taking care of….” That was a life lesson that has served me well these 74 years, as the responsibility of taking care of animals gave me a foundation of respect, immediate feedback, a passion for the natural world, to love and be loved unconditionally, to marvel at the innate intelligence and consciousness of the animal kingdom. Through my 20 years at Assistance Dogs of the West, I have had the privilege to raise more dogs than I can count—at times six at once, four, three, and never just one. They go one to their careers and then some new and interesting youngsters begin their time here at my home. You and Beth have known my forevers—Gilbert AKA Gilly, the Professor, who died a year ago; and now Violet, whom everyone refers to as “the Genius,” which she is. Thank you for this most beautiful Sunday letter—it touched my heart. X/O to you and Beth, LM

    • Roy Bowen on February 17, 2025 at 7:40 am

      Gracious words from a gracious person.
      Yes, your life is 2,3,4 in hallways, office, or sofa.
      So many lives strengthened by those who serve.
      WE are grateful to have you, and 4 legged in our lives as well.
      Together again soon….all joy. RB

  5. owen kunkle on February 16, 2025 at 5:37 pm

    My first pet was a dachshund named Gertrude, “Trudy”. We got her when I was 4 and I loved her dearly and deeply. She was my companion when my older brother and sister were away at school. I clearly remember lying in the hall sunlight with her, stroking her velvety smooth ears, and saying, “Trudy, I love you and I’m going to marry you when I grow up.” Wonderful that in my childhood mind there was no felt difference in our Spirits.

    • Roy Bowen on February 17, 2025 at 7:29 am

      Yes, wonderous hallway and sunlight memories.
      & you can “call these warm parts of life 24/7.
      I wrote a story titled The Last Dog.
      Older couple 6 months past last dog.
      She says, “The house is just too quiet, just too quiet.”
      Gertrude and our pets round out our lives in the best of ways. RB

  6. Marcia Swain on February 16, 2025 at 6:20 pm

    We are reminded daily by our beloved cat Hada (we lost her beloved sister and companion, Olivia Catherine, in June) that while dogs have masters and mistresses, cats have staff. We obey her every request. She returns to us the purest love.

    • Roy Bowen on February 17, 2025 at 7:20 am

      & with love flowing both ways.
      You both, and we 2 are caretakers of the 4 legged
      and honored to do and be so…..We b well.
      Cold week ahead for we both.RB

  7. janice M Nourse on February 17, 2025 at 5:00 pm

    Free Will by jan nourse
    “You didn’t eat your cookie, Beiji,” I fussed at my fifteen-year-old Shih Tzu. “I went to the store and got those for you.” Shih Tzus have these huge brown eyes, which he now uses to shoot me that look—the one that says, “I’ll eat it when I’m ready.” Tossing his dog biscuit back into the bag, I say, “Too late. We’re home now. Time to get out of the car.”
    Grabbing him, I tote the ten-pound lump of fir into the kitchen. “You chose to go with me this morning,” I explain. “I can’t change circumstances just for your food convenience.” I plop him on the tile floor next to my other Shih Tzu, Lia, who glares up at me with a “you left me behind?” look.
    I shake my head. Spoiled, I groan, knowing I own some of this frustration. If I were firm (forget the free will bit), then I could command orders and demand obedience. But would this power position really bring me joy? How could they choose family (me) over strangers? How could they ever earn a dog biscuit?
    I stare at these two little creatures at my feet. If God gave people free will, then isn’t it only right that I share the blessing?
    Pacified, I grab the leashes. “Who wants to go outside?” Their ears perk up, and their frowns instantly transform into adoration. “Good dogs,” I praise, following them out the door.
    Ah, the joys of being trained by my loving pets, I think, as I march down the sidewalk after them.

    “We must believe in free will. We have no choice.” Isaac B

    • Roy Bowen on February 18, 2025 at 12:55 pm

      we all know that stare after even out best efforts to serve and please.
      You have reflected well choice made by 2 legged and 4 legged.
      Outdoors and walks smooth over many a hurt or neglected feeling.
      Well done dear per owner, well done.RB

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