Roy’s Sunday Letter for November 24, 2024
For this Sunday Letter, I relied on Beth’s notebook of quotes and wisdom sayings. I wanted to shine the light on the Goodness within people and Thankfulness for their lives and teachings given to individuals and families. Sometimes their words guide us to be and serve others. Perhaps one or even three quotes and sayings will be pinned to a board or shared at a Thanksgiving meal. Gratitude to each of you at this time of Thanksgiving.
** “Be the things you loved about the people who are gone.” Author Unkown
- “When you no longer know what to do, you have come to the real challenge, and when you no longer know which way to go, you have begun the real journey.” Wendel Berry
** “Once upon a time our practice was to sing in the morning, and again at dusk. Singing was our way of healing the world through joy. The birds remember what we have forgotten, to celebrate, to sing joyfully.” Terry Tempest Williams
- “One of the important contributions we can make is to let friends and family know they are not alone.” Shannon Adler
** “You may teach them to fly, but they will not fly your flight. You will teach them to dream, but they will not dream your dream. And how to live, but they will not live your life. The magic is in every flight, in every dream, in every life your voice, your teaching will remain, guiding and reminding.” Mother Teresa
- “To become a true leader, learn first how to follow.” Dave’s Dad
**The descriptive term Glimmer may be new to you. “Glimmers are those moments when you experience joy, peace, and gratitude.” Now with open eyes to recognize Glimmers, the more Glimmer moments will appear. Dictionary
- “My hope is to laugh as much as I cry, to accomplish personal and work goals, to love and be loved by someone, and to have the courage to accept love in return.” Maya Angelou
We learn from others by observing, of working and worshipping together, and hopefully now by reading their words and teachings. More quotes from Beth’s notebook will be in future Sunday Letters. Roy surrounded by Goodness and Thankfulness.
Roy, thank you Beth
Good morning. Thanks much to Beth for these wonderful quotes and thoughts.. and thanks much Roy for bringing them to the SL… I am grateful.. Happy Sunday and very happy Thanksgiving to all.
Delightful early Comment.
THis was a good change, I think.
Comments will guide me on…..&U thank you.
Your gathering sounds like one I remember with my extended family. Imagine a four-walled dining room (maybe 12×16) with 25 people crowded around 2 tables. What you call wall-to-wall people.
One of my favorite recent memories happened on this Thanksgiving. A little 5 year girl, unsolicited, looked up and said “you know what I like best about holidays? I get to hang out with family” A treasured memory, for sure.
You captured the truth of the season by the child’s true words.
You are where you need to be, want to be.
I value you highly..may we share a beer soon….ok, maybe iced tea, unsweetened.
Enjoyed the uplifting quotes. Thankful for you and Beth.
All th e sayings but one came from Beth’s recordings and notes.
Uplifting can be both small and also broad. My imprint is small, personal
And yet, for we two so important to continue.
Your days have been a reunite also essential our FW days.
Thank you gifting you and all of family with us. RB
Thank you Beth, and Roy for compiling these great quotes. Wendell Berry helped me the most.
Wendel the farmer is wise and has had staying in my life over events and decades.
I like most appreciating the values and life practices of those “gone on before.
We are all weavers of our threads both common and unique…….RB
Thank you, Roy and Beth, for this garden of delights. Happy Thanksgiving.
My forever Wed. partner
Tell me more of currents projects and helpfulness to persons and organizations….you make my small world the better,RB
To you, pioneers and map makers of goodness and kindness, Happy Thanksgiving Beth and Roy.
My heart has been enriched by your presence. My mind has been challenged and awakened. My soul joins yours in Gratitude for this life we get to experience together. Love Linda M 2024
I asked a career banker over coffee what changed for him.
He answered, “When I learned the word Gratitude.
So gratitude for the difference maker in you… make my small world the better. RB
A career banker learning the word “gratitude.” That says so much! So be it for everyone. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Beth!
We all have a word, this was his.
What would yours?
right path is one I have found meaningful …. perhaps a new one in January.
Friendship with you indeed a right path…..RB
Thanks to you both for the wonderful quotes. So impactful at this time of change and Thanksgiving!
all from beth’s notebooks
recently read: There are book people and there are notebook people
No interpretation needed
You and I have been, are blessed by those we share, give, and receive…..
Roy and Beth. I loved all the quotes. Very inspiring. Happy Thanksgiving
Delightful to read comments that encourage me to continue on.
We have a wonderful neighbor we see her car leave early but less often in person, which we regret missing the good parts.
Some time when heading our way, let me know…..we have more to share of common.
Beth and I send forth best of “Being thankful day” to you both.
Roy and Beth